'Real' toys, no batteries required only imagination...
All the toys are carefully hand-made by Pierre from untreated plantation wood. There are no nails or screws and the wheels are very firmly glued (which is safe when dry) into position making them an extremely solid & safe option for girls & boys of all ages.
They make ideal gifts and are very suitable to post. Best not to leave them outside as the wood will be damaged by water but they're perfect for kids to paint. This is a photo of an Emily who was decorated by a 3 year old boy - clearly an aspiring artist in the making!
The Shadow Creatures are wall art for sitting over door frames or just on the wall. Smaller creatures to sit over light or power switches are being designed. Perfect for pet lovers.
Orders & suggestions welcome. We regularly go to many craft markets in NE Victoria mainly Bright, Wangaratta, Wodonga/Albury & Yackandandah plus some annual events, (it's best to email or phone us if you want something in particular to ensure we will have it, or better still order it first!)